Admin Initial Setup

Admin User Creation 2202.pdf

Create a new User

Administrators are able to create new users for admin.

Users can be given defined roles that limit their ability to make changes in admin.

This does not create a merchant user for accessing or stocking the kiosks.

Location Creation 2203.pdf

Create a New Location

Each kiosk must be assigned to a location.

A location may have multiple kiosks assigned to it.

Admin Product Creation 2202.pdf

Create and Edit Products

Before a product can be stocked in a kiosk, it must first be created in admin.

All products must have a name and a price.

Once a product is created, you can add pictures or descriptions.

Admin Staff Creation 2210 (1).docx.pdf

Create and Manage Staff

Staff accounts are used to log in and manage kiosks directly at the UI.  

A staff account can have different permissions at the kiosk itself.

At least one staff account is needed to configure and stock a kiosk.

Admin Open Hours 2204 (1).pdf

Setting Kioks Open Hours

A kiosk can be assigned open hours.  By default a kiosk is available 24/7, but you can specify times where the kiosk would be unavailable for transactions.

Each alert setting can be set for all kiosks on an operator account (by making change in the default tab), or individually at a kiosk by kiosk basis (by making changes in the Kiosk/Locations tab)

Configuring and Setting alerts

Email alerts are triggered by kiosks to alert the appropriate staff when servicing may be needed.  The alerts can be set in Network/Kiosk Settings under these keys